Colors’ popular show Udaan produced by Guroudev Bhalla nad Dhaval Gada is presently enjoying a new lease of life, with the viewers lapping up the news of extension with happiness.

The result is that the show has opened to a very good rating in its new time slot of 7 PM.

The new track introduced in the show has seen the entry of Bacha Pandey who is the right hand of a female politician who will create havoc in the lives of Chakor (Meera Deosthale) and Suraj (Vijayendra Kumeria).

The role of Bacha Pandey is played by actor Micckie Dudaaney.

We now hear of talented actor Mukul Harish entering the show.

He will essay the role of the politician’s son who will have a powerful persona.

As per sources, “The new track will indeed give freshness to the track with an interesting story being woven.”

We buzzed Mukul could not get through to him.

We reached out to the channel spokesperson but did not get revert till we filed the story.

Mukul Harish has played lead roles in shows Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein, Pavitra Rishta etc.

Watch this space for more updates.