Many of Hollywood’s couples look so good together that we can’t help but gush over them 24/7. One of such power couple is Megan Markle and Prince Harry.

Megan Markle and Prince Harry have been the talk of the town ever since they made their public appearance as a couple. Everything thing that the couple does or everywhere they go it becomes a headline in the newspaper. That’s how obsessed the world is with this royal couple. And to be honest why won’t they be? Megan Markle and Prince Harry are a perfect couple of this century. They are people’s favourite couple.

Megan Markle and Prince Harry never miss a moment to show how much they are in love with each other. You will always see them holding hands and looking at each other with admiration. These series of photos that we have for you will make you fall head over heels with this couple. Their chemistry is so cute, these pictures prove that they are a perfect hot couple material.

Looking at these pictures all we can say is that Megan Markle and Prince Harry are a match made in heaven because only God and can make a match so perfect. We hope they stay together for eternity and keep blessing our feeds with their cute pictures.

Take a look at these pictures below and let us know in the comments what are your thoughts on Megan Markle and Prince Harry as a couple.