Now that you’ve seen the latest episode of your favorite Star Pravah show, don’t just keep it to yourself! The official fan communities on Fandrum are the perfect way to interact with other fans and discuss your favorite shows, characters, and plot twists.

Plus, you can get the latest news and updates on upcoming episodes, cast changes, and more. To join, simply head to Fandrum and search for your show’s community. Once you find it, click Join and you’ll be all set!
Star Pravah the leading general entertainment channel in Marathi brings its favorite shows to Fandrum for fans to keep in touch with what is happening in the show, its celebrities and characters for fans to be in touch 24*7 and shower their love and wishes
So come join in the fun and connect with fellow fans from around the world.

Post awesome photos, videos and GIFs related to your favorite TV show and you could win a chance to meet your favorite celebrities.
To help you get started, here are some communities to check out

Link to post on Star Pravah