Have you seen the videos that are both amazing to watch yet creepy at the same time? One example is this video of a scorpion hunting bugs in the California desert. There’s a chance you’ll find yourself watching the video repeatedly.

The video begins with a person searching for the creature on the desert sand with ordinary light. The scorpion, on the other hand, is not visible. The scorpion does not become apparent until they flash a UV light on it since it glows in the dark. The remainder of the video depicts the individual following the creature as it hunts bugs.

Take a peek at this amazing video:

According to one of the video’s commentators, the deadly scorpions become lovely when exposed to fluorescing brilliant blue/green ultraviolet (UV) light. According to the commentator, the scorpion’s luminous nature allows them to convert modest quantities of UV light into the color they prefer to see — blue-green. This one-of-a-kind characteristic improves the creature’s night vision. Meanwhile, the scorpion’s astonishing ability to change color in the presence of UV rays has piqued the interest of thousands of social media users. The video has received over 6k views since being published on YouTube by a user entitled Wild Blue Science, and the total is still rising. Some users also reacted to the incredible scorpion footage. “Awesome!” said one YouTube user, while “Superb!” wrote another.

(Source- Hindustan Times)