Wedding photos are, without a doubt, the most valued belongings of married couples, and the experience may be stressful for everybody involved. It’s the same with photographers, and certainly, people can be unpleasant to them. A wedding photographer had a nightmare at a wedding and decided to share her ordeal on social media.

Under the alias Icy-Reserve6995, the photographer posted about her assignment on Reddit. She said that she had cold-heartedly erased images from a newlywed couple’s wedding day.

The entire ordeal was detailed in a post on Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole” thread. There are 17,000 likes and 2,200 comments on the post.

The photographer, who wishes to remain anonymous, consented to snapshots as a favor to the bride and groom. She claimed that she had been working for six hours straight when she requested a break, but that her request was turned down by her coworkers. “I told the groom I needed to go get something to eat and drink for 20 minutes,” they stated. She posted on Reddit, “He tells me I have to either be a photographer or quit without compensation.”

She was irritated by his behavior and inquired whether he was serious; when he said yes, she took severe action. “I asked if he was sure, and he responded yes, so I erased all the images I took in front of him and walked away, claiming I was no longer his photographer,” she wrote.

She also stated that she would be paid a flat price of $250, which she considered to be “nothing for a 10-hour event.” “I’m really a dog groomer, not a photographer.” She stated, “I take a lot of photos of dogs all day to post on Facebook and Instagram; it’s “my thing.”

Surprisingly, netizens backed her up, claiming the groom’s behavior was inappropriate.

Source- Zee News