Amusement parks are indeed the best. From fun to scary rides, one can see and enjoy them. Not just for young people but there are a number of fun rides for elders and kids.

One of the best rides is Roller Coaster and though it seems like a much more modern type of ride it dates back to the mid-1800s, the roller coaster has just kept getting faster, bigger, and scarier.

People have always loved and enjoyed the fun ride in the theme parks. It has become so popular that if a theme park doesn’t have a roller coaster people really avoid going there. The joy of the ride is for the visceral sensation of fear much similar to watching a horror movie. There are physical signs of fear like heart pounding, breathing faster, and also an energy boost due to the release of glucose.

The big ride’s experience can be termed as a “eustressful” experience and all thanks to a very fascinating theory by two Dutch psychologists. Roller-coasters are not at all what they sound like. Yes, people do enjoy the wonderful ride but there are several other factors we need to consider. Through various studies and research, it is revealed that enjoyment of extreme physical experiences such as riding on roller coasters may glance at individual differences in brain chemistry.

The roller coaster ride is not just practically a roller coaster but also the same for the emotions and senses of people enjoying the ride. While riding on a roller coaster you may experience heightened senses and increases in blood pressure along with fast heartbeats.

Check out these videos to see how scary and fun the ride can be at the same time.

View Instagram Post 1: A Roller Coaster Drop Is Scary And Fun At The Same Time: Watch This Video And Get Thrilled