When an inquisitive parrot chose to investigate a traffic camera, the phrase “bird’s eye view” took on a whole new meaning. Now, a video of an avian playing peekaboo with a surveillance camera in Brazil has gone viral, delighting internet users.

After discovering the electronic device in Curitiba, the state of Paraná in southern Brazil, a turquoise-fronted amazon parrot took a break from flying and got curious. On the busy BR-116 route near the city, the bird was caught gazing into the lens in a charming photobombing incident.

The movie, which was published on Twitter and quickly disseminated across other platforms, shows the “special guest” constantly “simply looking” through the lens, stopping the camera’s recording as vehicles passed by.

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While netizens were enthralled by the playful parrot’s antics, it is not the first bird to exhibit an interest in CCTV cameras installed on the Latin American country’s roadways in recent years.

Two toucans were photographed pecking at a camera set atop a traffic signal near Campinas, S. Paulo, in April. The ravenous couple even tried to “eat” the camera, as evidenced by footage showing them chewing it.

The case of interested birds with highway cameras, however, is not limited to Brazil. A seagull checked out a CCTV camera in London earlier this year, causing quite a stir online.

Source- The Indian Express