We know how close pet animals are to humans. They understand our emotions and expressions and reciprocate them. Almost every cat has a mind of its own, and they will do whatever they want, whenever they want, in order to acquire more goodies or cuddles. That is just what has been demonstrated in this one video, which has been uploaded on Instagram and is rapidly gaining traction. The video was published on the Cats of Instagram Instagram feed, which has over 13.4 million followers.

The video was first published on the profile of a cat named Mika, who has almost 38,500 followers – a large following for a catto (or not)! The video demonstrates how one cat ‘sings a song’ to communicate her desire for food to her human, even at the most inconvenient hours of the night. The video also shows her ‘playing’ various instruments or objects in a very amusing yet endearing manner that may just brighten your day.

The video was posted to Instagram with the caption “When your sleep schedules don’t coincide.” “Are you able to relate?” This lovely video has a rendition of the famous tune Gimme! that this cat can be heard singing’. ABBA’s Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight). It was included on the album Voulez-Vous, which was released in 1979.

“The meow at the end!” comments one Instagram user. Another remark reads, “Soooo cute.” “Nailed it,” says a third comment.

It is absolutely humorous and witty of the cat. What do you think of this amusing and adorable cat video? Do let us know in the comments below.