There are endless videos of gorgeous babies online, and it’s undeniable that kids are the most beautiful creatures. This popular video will leave you in awe if you like spending time with kids. Indeed, you did hear it properly. A new video has made this cute little munchkin popular online. These resources include some of the cutest baby movies ever made.

Parents employ various techniques to persuade their children to laugh and chuckle. These activities include bouncing children on the lap and riding them like horses on the back. Parents in India also regularly carry their children on top of their shoulders. By doing this, children get a wonderful perspective and sense of affection. Recently on Instagram, the named account shared a hilarious video of a baby, have a look.

Watch The Full Viral Video Here –

View Instagram Post 1: Viral Video: An Adorable Baby Girl Cutting Watermelon Will Make You Go 'Aww'

We can’t get enough information and videos on the internet. In addition, we discover a lot of stuff while surfing social media. And if there is anything in this massive amount of stuff that makes us all smile and goes, “Aww,” it has to be those lovely baby videos. We see them pleasantly perform a variety of skills. Any video of a young child enjoying their first bite of food, creating something with paint, or even playing with their parents can give us a sensation of well-being. One such lovely child video recently went viral. This time, a newborn girl can be seen in her pink jumper, all set to face the day in her small kitchen.

This young child is first seen picking up a small watermelon off the ground. The watermelon is then placed in a small sink. She then turns on the water tap and uses a brush to wash the watermelon. You can see her fumbling as she removes the fruit from the sink. Nonetheless, she manages to bring it onto her kitchen slab. She then retrieves a knife from the cabinet below and cuts the fruit in the cutest way possible.

Since it was posted, this video has received over ten thousand comments, 3.5 million likes, and 72.1 million views!

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