It is adorable to witness the love and bond between two elderly couples. We often consider a young biker couple going va va vroom on a motorbike. And there is also a stigma to imagining the man to be riding the bike, and the woman will be a sitting pillion. But the new video of an elderly woman is going as she rides a bike while her husband is sitting behind, breaking all negative stereotypes.

The video was posted by Susmita Dora, who is a photographer, on her Instagram profile. The video features an elderly couple on a moped driving on the road. And the unique thing about this viral video is that the man is seen sitting in the back seat while the woman is riding the moped. In addition, both the man and woman were dressed in traditional outfits. The man wore a white shirt and dhoti while the woman was dressed in a saree.

And the video was shared with a text, “Usually when we see a biker couple, it is always the guy riding the bike. Have you ever seen anything like this for their age?” However, the location is not confirmed, while the number of two-wheelers is Tamil Nadu. Shared the video with the caption, “Couple Goals.”

The video was able to gather an ample amount of views since posted. Netizens loved the video, and it was shared multiple times on other platforms.

And here are some of the hilarious comments, “She has her own swag, that’s so cool,” said one. “In the south, it’s normal,” wrote another. And the other one said, “Very true! In Tamilnadu, it’s very common!”

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