After playing the online suicide game Blue Whale, a 14-year-old Mumbai youngster leaped from his rooftop. There are several such online teen fad games on the internet that parents should be careful of and ensure their children never play.

Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge

Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian’s half-sister, inspired a teen movement known as the Kylie Lip Challenge. The task consisted of placing a shot glass over your lips and sucking as hard as you could. The goal was to artificially plump lips in order to get the ideal pout; nevertheless, the consequences were shocking and hazardous.

What could possibly go wrong: Under pressure, the shot glass might shatter, slashing your lips. It may also induce vascular engorgement, which causes your lips to become inflamed.

The Game of Choking

The choking game, also known as flatliner, space monkey, blackout, the knockout challenge, and the fainting game, involves children strangling their friends or themselves until they pass out. The goal is for them to experience a rush of euphoria as soon as they recover consciousness. There have been enough unintentional fatalities as a result of the mindless game. A film was eventually made to raise awareness of the hazards.

What could possibly go wrong: You might strangle a buddy or yourself to death.

Duct-tape Challenge

The duct tape challenge, which gained popularity on YouTube, involves being bound (usually to a chair) with duct tape. After that, the person is allowed three minutes to flee. The challenge is videotaped and shared on social media with the hashtag #ducttapechallenge.

What could possibly go wrong: You may misstep and fall at an inconvenient angle. When attempting to flee, a young man struck a windowpane, seriously injuring his eye socket.

The Cinnamon Trial

The highly popular food challenge is recording oneself eating a teaspoon of ground cinnamon in under 60 seconds while not drinking anything and then posting the video to the internet.

What could possibly go wrong: Because cinnamon coats and dries the tongue and throat, it can induce respiratory and throat difficulties, as well as a collapsed lung and choking. There have been reports of people dying as a result of this difficulty.

The problem of automobile surfing

Car surfing is the practice of riding on the exterior of a moving vehicle operated by another person, usually on the roof.

What may go wrong: You could be thrown from the moving automobile. The challenge has resulted in a number of deaths, most of which have been caused by head injuries.