Numerous parents warn their children about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Fewer parents, meanwhile, are aware that they ought to caution their children away from imaginary “games” that pose a serious danger of harm or even death.

Teenagers frequently conceal the specifics of these actions. When someone in the neighborhood is hospitalized or dies, parents typically find out about them after the fact.

Choking Game

This deadly “game” involves strangling someone in order to temporarily make them feel good by preventing oxygen from reaching their brain. Using their hands or a rope, several youngsters have completed this task individually or in groups.

A cinnamon-related obstacle

This strange challenge has been illustrated in a ton of YouTube videos. Without consuming any water, one teaspoon of ground cinnamon must be consumed. The spice dries out your mouth, making it nearly hard for anyone to succeed.

In the majority of cases, a large cloud of what appears to be cinnamon powder is immediately coughed up. Some individuals vomit because the flavor is so strong. When the small powder is inhaled, some people develop coughing fits. Rarely do individuals who have breathed powder into their lungs need to be hospitalized and placed on ventilators.

Respiration or dusting

By the time they are in the eighth grade, 20% of American children have intentionally eaten common household materials.

By decreasing the amount of oxygen that is breathed into the brain, these drugs provide a brief, euphoric high. But if you do it for too long, you could lose your life or suffer catastrophic injuries.

According to Santelli, it can have a profoundly addictive or habit-forming nature and can result in exceedingly severe brain damage. Choosing the wrong medication could be dangerous or even deadly.

Source – webmd