The Walking Dead is a long-winded, amazing experience video game that was created, produced, and distributed by Telltale Games. It is the main game in the series, which comprises 4 seasons. In light of The Walking Dead comic book series, the game comprises five scenes, delivered between April and November 2012.

As remembered for TegraZone, this game known as The Walking Dead is a five-area game series (Episodes 2-5 can be purchased through in-application) is an amazing game as Robert Kirkman’s Honor-winning series. Play as Lee Everett, an indicted criminal, who has been allowed a second opportunity at life in a world crushed by the undead. A custom-made game insight – activities, decisions, and choices you make will influence how your story works out across the whole series.

• Plays extraordinary on NVIDIA SHIELD
• Winner of more than 90 Game of the Year grants
•Each of the five honor winning scenes notwithstanding exceptional scene ‘400 Days’
• Save more than 25% on extra scenes by buying the Season Pass and access Episodes 2-5, or more unique scenes 400 Days right away

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