Have You Played These Underrated Games? Give Them A Go

Let's look at some underappreciated games you need to play

video games perform better than sequels in other types of media. While video games are technology, they are also works of art. Video game sequels frequently serve as a reminder of how far we’ve gone as technology advances and give creators additional opportunities to build on their original concepts. Here are some underappreciated games you should play.

Mafia 3

The slightly more conventional gameplay in Mafia 3 doesn’t significantly lessen the effect of its amazing characters, location, and narrative. Mafia 3 was able to give a unique take on the crime game narrative by diving into the little-known world of 1968 New Orleans and combining it with a complex government conspiracy theory. Although the gameplay may have been better, it is unquestionably satisfactory to allow players to fully appreciate this game’s fantastic story.

Red Steel 2

Red Steel 2 manages to give a number of breathtaking action set pieces that rate well among the finest of their era, in addition to fixing the technical flaws of the first series. This samurai western, which was in every aspect a vast upgrade over its predecessor, ought to have created a legacy of its own. Instead, it utterly failed to live up to expectations and, in a different sense, continues to exist in the shadow of its predecessor..

Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3 is a truly outstanding action game that you want to see more of these days if you can judge it just on its own merits. Although the more realistic storyline and gameplay changes in Max Payne 3 may have been improved, this violent pure shooter still has some spectacular set pieces that are based on some of the best noir/action movies. Even its multiplayer was wonderfully unexpected.

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Kenneth D'britto: Kenneth is a good content writer. he's also a huge fan of cricket.