Hackers can gain a lot of value from your account, whether you play a free or paid online game. Remember all those crates you’ve unlocked over the years as you’ve been collecting? Hundreds of dollars worth of cosmetics might be spread among your Fortnite, PUBG Lite, and Overwatch accounts.

Because many players fail to take simple cybersecurity safeguards, hacking most accounts isn’t difficult. Using a weak password when creating your gaming account is one of the biggest blunders you can do.

One that is made up of simply one word that anyone can look up in a dictionary, or one that uses common passwords like ‘password1234.’ Your Minecraft or Roblox account, which you created before you had a good understanding of cybersecurity, is most likely protected with a weak password.

Another password goldmine for hackers is data breaches and leaks. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do to protect yourself because the security of the organization that has your data is completely dependent on them. Credential stuffing attacks are possible if you reuse passwords across multiple accounts.

If your log-in credentials have been previously disclosed or if a hacker has gained access to one of your other accounts, they will most likely try to use the same credentials on other platforms. Hackers frequently use cross-site scripting attacks to obtain your login credentials. What is the mechanism behind it? Some website servers do not require authentication confirmation each time they communicate data.