In the past few years, the gaming world has reached new heights. From what we can see the graphics, designs, quality, and everything he’s changed and continues on becoming more perfect. Though gaming is popular among children and youth, there are some who are unknown of the methods of playing a video game.

Fortnite differentiates itself with cartoon-style graphics and unique construction mechanics. Your goal is to be the last person or team to survive. There are 99 other players who have the same goal. There are features where we can play in four-member quads or 50 vs. 50 teams where the number of enemies is reduced and you can compete in the form of groups.

Here’s a beginners guide:

Check Fortnite’s System Requirements.
Keep Watching the Match.
Collect and Construct.
Find Multiple Weapons
Keep an Eye on the Storm
Don’t Look Down
Master Mobile Controls
Find a Vehicle
Group Up With Teammates
Take a Break With Playground Mode
Don’t Waste Your Money
Know When to Quit