The importance of Vitamin C cannot be exaggerated, especially in the winter season. Along with maintaining the overall healthy working of the body, this main Vitamin has several health benefits. Orange, lemon, and all other citrus fruits are supposedly the main sources of Vitamin C, as they are in a high quantity of vitamin C. It is said that orange is sufficient for a significant portion of your recommended Vitamin C.

Here are 3 fruits that are best for vitamin C benefits:

Pineapple is a powerhouse of nutrients- the fruit consists of huge amounts of vitamin C. A mineral that is very rarely found in natural foods like manganese is also found in pineapple making it a great necessity to the diet.

Strawberries are known for their antioxidant significance all over, but they are also reported to have a rich source of vitamin C. Their vitamin C content is little more than that in a single orange.

If you’re looking for a healthy fruit option or a way to add ‘green’ to your diet, Kiwi fruit is supposed to be your choice. Single kiwi fruit contains up to 84mg of vitamin C, along with other necessary vitamins such as vitamin K and E.