There is a huge variety of Thalis available in every part of India. If you go to any part of India, you’ll have a Thali of every part with all of their dishes and savory from their origin.

When you go to a typical Gujarati restaurant for a thali, they’ll just bombard you with a huge variety of food. But let’s look at how a Gujarati Breakfast Thali would look like and what all it will include in it. Gujarati Breakfast has a long list of dishes that are included. They have a mix of flavors such as sweet, tangy, and spicy. They are just very versatile and delicious that you won’t and can’t resist them any day!

So let’s have a look at it!

Spongy yellow cake-like texture
This is one of the most famous Gujarati breakfast food items. Dhokla is often consumed by Gujarati people around the world. Dhokla tastes wholesome with green chutney or sweet chutney.

Khandvi is another most relished Gujarati breakfast recipe. Khandvi is sweet and salty to taste and is served with green chutney. The dish is made using a batter made up of gram flour, salt, and sugar.

This dish is again a great dish consisting of a double roti or bread filled with a stuffing of boiled potatoes mixed with a special dabeli masala and served with spicy chutney made with tamarind, garlic, and red chillies and covered with peanuts.

This dish is assortedly made of whole ingredients such as bottle gourd, protein-rich lentils, and buttermilk. They are baked and stored, they are topped with a tadka of curry leaves and mustard seeds.

Panki consists of a thin and delicate pancake made with rice flour and sweet and placed between banana leaves boiled and then shallow-fried. It goes well with freshly made coriander chutney at the side.

Jalebi and fafda
Again one of the best and most eaten sweet breakfast which is originally from the Gujaratis. Jalebi is sweet and the fafda are namkeen and crispy. The combination is just lovely.