What Food Should You Give Your Dog? Know Here

We'll look at which human meals are safe for dogs in this article

Dogs have a distinct digestive system from humans. As a result, several meals that are absolutely fine for people might be dangerous or even deadly to dogs.

On the other hand, many human foods are healthy for dogs and can provide critical nutrients and health benefits.

In this post, we’ll look at which human meals are suitable for dogs.

Which human foods are safe for dogs to eat?

Many human foods are healthy for dogs, but they should be eaten in moderation.
Dogs can eat the following human foods:


For dogs, carrots are a good source of nourishment. Chewing carrots can help remove plaque from teeth and improve overall dental health.

Carrots are strong in vitamin A, which is beneficial to a dog’s immune system, skin, and coat.


Apples are rich in vitamins A and C, which are essential for dogs.

Apples are also a good source of fiber, which can assist with digestion in dogs. Dogs, on the other hand, can get alcohol poisoning by eating rotten apples.

White rice

Cooked, plain white rice is a good choice for a dog with an upset stomach since it is easy to digest and helps bind faeces.

Diabetic dogs should only eat tiny amounts of white rice because it can cause blood sugar levels to rise.

Dairy products

Dairy items like milk, cheese, and plain yogurt are safe for dogs to eat in little amounts.

Excessive dairy consumption might cause stomach problems. This is due to a lack of lactase, a digestive enzyme that breaks down the carbs in milk, in dogs. Dairy products should be avoided by lactose-intolerant dogs. After consuming dairy products, lactose intolerance causes diarrhea or vomiting.


Salmon, shrimp, and tuna are all wholesome to consume and high in protein for dogs. Uncooked fish can have hazardous parasites, so it’s crucial to prepare them before feeding them to your dog.


When a dog’s stomach is upset, plain, cooked chicken with no flavor is an excellent option.

Peanut butter

Dogs can eat unsalted peanut butter with no added sugar or sweeteners in moderation. Peanut butter is high in vitamins E and B, as well as the B vitamin niacin.

Ensure, however, that the peanut butter does not include the sugar xylitol, which is particularly toxic to dogs.

Anyone who suspects their dog has taken xylitol should immediately contact a veterinarian or an Animal Poison Control Centre.

Plain popcorn

Popcorn without salt, butter, or sugar can be a nutritious treat for dogs.

Popcorn is high in minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc, all of which are good for dogs.

Make sure your dog does not eat any unpopped popcorn kernels, as this could cause them to choke.


Pork that has been cooked but not seasoned is okay for dogs to eat.

Pork, on the other hand, should be eaten in moderation due to its high-fat content, which is difficult for dogs to digest. Don’t give your dog bacon or processed ham because of the high salt content.


Cooked turkey is safe for dogs to eat, but it should be plain and unseasoned. Many commercial dog meals contain turkey, which is a healthy source of protein.

Before feeding cooked turkey to a dog, remove the fat. Too much fat in dogs might cause pancreatic problems.


Blueberries are good for dogs because they are strong in fibre, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, all of which are good for their health.

Antioxidants may help older dogs with age-related diseases, according to a 2012 study published in ResearchTrusted Source.


Bananas Magnesium, which is important for bone health, is abundant in them.


Cucumbers are a low-calorie and safe dog food that could be a good option for overweight dogs.

Vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin K, are abundant in cucumbers.

Beans (green)

Green beans are a nutritious and delicious treat for dogs. Protein, calcium, iron, and vitamin K are all abundant in them.

Green beans can be eaten by dogs fresh or cooked. Skip the spice and cut the beans first to avoid choking.


Watermelon flesh is safe for dogs to eat, but the seeds and rind should not be given to them. Watermelon is good for dogs, however, the seeds must be removed first because they can block the intestines. If the peel is chewed on, it can cause stomach problems, so remove it before giving the watermelon to your dog.

Watermelon has a lot of water, so it can help dogs stay hydrated. It is also high in vitamins A, C, and B-6.

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About The Author
Lizal Dmello: A recent graduate in Political Science from St.Xavier's College, Mumbai. Currently focusing on writing as it is of key interest. Always committed towards professionalism. An energetic and enthusiastic person. Apart from writing interests lies in dancing, traveling (exploring new places) and playing sports.