All body parts are having a different role to play in your body. Among them, the kidney is very crucial. Your kidneys play an important role in your overall health. They help to eliminate waste and extra fluid from your body. Kidneys also remove acids from your body to maintain a healthy balance of water, salt, and minerals. Your nerves, muscles, and other tissues may not function properly if there is no healthy balance. It becomes extremely important to keep your kidneys healthy. There can be many common habits, which may risk damaging your kidneys. Among them, here we discuss three common habits that will increase the risk of damaging the kidney.


You are a heavy drinker if you are consuming more than four drinks of alcohol in a day. Regular heavy drinking surely will lead to chronic kidney disease. If you are also a frequent smoker, the risk is high. It is advisable to minimize Alcohol intake to prevent future kidney problems.


Water content in your body is much higher and the consumption of water is very important for your overall health. Staying hydrated is always great for your health, especially for your kidneys. Staying hydrated aids your kidneys in their efforts to clear sodium and toxins from your body. Drinking enough water will keep you away from kidney stones problems. So drink water and keep your kidneys healthy.


Different kinds of medicine, especially painkillers are useful for pain symptoms. However, if not used properly or overused, they can harm your kidneys, especially if you have existing kidney problems. Reduce your intake of painkillers or take recommended doses.