Exercise is important to make your body muscular and fit. Exercise will help you to transform your body. Among all kinds of exercise strengthening of the core is very important and you need to do daily exercises to get your core strong. A strong core will help prevent injury and promote a more efficient workout. It will help you to come out if back pain. There are various exercises you can do for core strengthening. Here we look at 3 exercises to follow daily to get your core strong. Importantly all these exercises are without any equipment.


This move targets the low back and it is beneficial for your lower back area. Many people suffer from lower back pain, due to the extremely weak core. Lie down on your stomach and with breath in raise your arms, legs and hip part simultaneously and hold for some time, and release. Repeat for better results.

V – SIT.

This move-in exercise is important for core exercise. If extending legs is difficult, you can bend your knees until you get core strength. Lie down on the back and lift legs and upper body in a v shape and hold for a few time. Keep shoulder downwards.


In this exercise, you need to ensure that your back should not heart. You can keep your hands underneath your back. In this exercise lie on your back, keep your legs straight and hands underneath your back. Raise your both legs and hold them for a few seconds and release them. Repeat for better results. This exercise will surely give your core better strength.

All the above exercises will help you to give strength to your core and subsequently will help you get rid of other health issues such as back pain and prevent injury and promote an efficient workout.