Do you regularly feel bloated or uncomfortable? This may be because of indigestion. Your stomach’s digestive system is working the whole day to separate the food you eat and give energy. Here are some yoga asanas for a more strong gut and improved processing of the stomach.

Indigestion can prompt numerous medical problems like bloating, stomach ache, acidity, constipation, and loose motion. Digestion of food begins in your mouth and afterward continues to the stomach and afterward digestion tracts. The food is separated and consumed by the body. Side-effects from the assimilation cycle are wiped out through the anus and it is called defecation.

Proper digestion of food is essential for a solid body. Your dietary habits and exercises straightforwardly influence the digestion cycle. You can keep your stomach’s digestive system strong by changing your way of life or dietary patterns. Here are some yoga asanas to improve processing and make your gut more strong.

Let’s have a look at these 3 asanas you can try to do for better digestion

Balasana (the child pose)

This yoga asana helps discharge pressure and calms your mind. This yoga pose is also useful for your thighs, hips, and lymphatic framework.

Start by going to all of the fours. As of now, sit out of sorts and twist forward. Attempt to touch your chest to your thighs. Expand your arms straight ahead, hold this position for around three minutes and thereafter return to the position.

Pavanamuktasana (the wind relieving pose)

This pose removes the gas and stomach ailments. It will enhance your digestion and expel gas from your stomach.

Start by resting on the floor on your back with your legs straight and your hands next to you. Take a full breath and raise your legs. Presently, twist your knees and bring them towards your chest. Fold your arm over your knees and embrace them to keep them close to your chest. Attempt to contact your knees with your nose. Retain this position for about 30 seconds and then return to the original position.

Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

Trikonasana or the triangle pose improves processing, invigorates craving, and relieves constipation. It is additionally advantageous for your kidney and other stomach organs.

Stand straight with your legs wide separated and your hands next to you. Presently, turn your right foot to your right and bend your body to the right side. Move your right hand to your right foot. Keep your left arm stretched out towards the roof. Return to the start position and then do the same on the other side.