In this coronavirus pandemic situation, lots of people pay attention to immunity-related things. Your Immunity power plays an important role in your overall health and medicinal plants are best for boosting your immunity power. There are many immunity-boosting plants, which you can grow in your garden. Here we look at 5 such plants for immunity power.

This is an easy to grow herb, which you should add to your garden. Along with culinary benefits, coriander has medicinal properties. This herb is best for boosting immunity power, as it provides antimicrobial, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Mulethi is also an immunity-boosting plant, you must include in your garden. It possesses anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiulcer, antidiabetic and helps you in boosting immunity power as well as other illnesses.

Tulsi is a scientifically proven wonder herb that helps you in various health-related problems. This herb can fight against chemical stress due to pollution along with other benefits. This is the perfect herb, which is used in monsoon with food, tea, and even on the skin. Tulsi is best for boosting immunity power and you must add this herb to your garden.

4) MINT.
It is known for its use for various health problems. Mint is antiseptic, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, etc. It also helps in various ways to improve your Immunity power.

The ginger plant you should add in your garden, as it is very advantageous for various health problems, such as cold, nausea, arthritis, migraines, and hypertension. Ginger helps you to boost your immune system in various ways.

Those were five plants you must include in your garden, which help increase your immunity power.