As we grow up our body becomes weaker which results in body pain. Among these, Back Pain is the major problem. And yoga might be suggested by your doctor. Yoga is a therapy that not only treats the back pain but the stress we go through. Yoga poses can relax and support your body posture.

Rehearsing yoga for a few minutes every day can help you gain more understanding of your body. This will help you have a proper balance and alignment.

Follow these five poses to relieve back pain

1)Cat cow

The cat-Cow pose mobilizes and stretches the spine. Repeating this pose will also stretch the torso, shoulder, and neck. Do this at least for one minute.

2) Downward Facing Dog

This forward bend pose is helping and freshening. Repeating this pose can help relieve back pain. It also helps to cover up the imbalances and improve strength.

3) Extended Triangle

This is an outstanding standing position that helps reduce backache and neck pain. It stretches your hip, spine, and neck, and also helps strengthen your shoulder, chest, and legs. It helps reduce stress and anxiety.

4)Cobra pose

This lenient backbend stretches the chest, shoulder and abdomen. It strengthens your spine. Also helps reduce stress and fatigue.

5) Locust pose

This lenient backbend helps relieve your lower back pain and fatigue. It also strengthens your arms, legs, and torso.

Practice these five yoga poses to relieve your back pain and stress.

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