You may wonder how do Korean models maintain themselves? Do they spend their time in the Gym despite being full day busy? What diet do they follow? Well, do not worry we have answers to all your questions.

The answer is ‘Workout’. Looking slim and lean is a trend from the olden days to today. And some of us find it hard. But it’s saying “You won’t gain anything if you won’t work hard”. You don’t have to spend your whole day in the gym but by following some exercises you can do so. They are very strict about their diet and they calculate where the calories are coming from and how much they are utilizing them. By doing this they keep a record of what they should eat and what they shouldn’t.

If you consume more calories than, you use it will result in fatness. And if you consume calories only the amount you use this will make you look lean. They follow this routine and continue to look slim and lean the whole year.

Steps you should follow for abs like models.

1) Elevated Mountain Climber (4 x 50)

2) Reverse Crunch ( 4 x 40)

3) Star Fish Crunch (4 x 20)

4) Plank (4 x 1 min)

5) Standing Side Crunch ( 4 x 60) alternative legs

These exercises will help you get your desired tummy. And so you can slay like models.

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