14th June is observed as world blood donor day and you should know that one unit of donated blood can save up to three lives. This is because your blood is separated into its components, red blood cells, plasma, and platelets. Normally blood is needed regularly for people suffering from blood disorders as well as for the treatment of injuries due to accidents and various types of surgeries.

As you all know blood donation saves the life of many people. But we are unaware of the fact that it has key benefits for blood donors itself.

Donating blood has a positive effect on a donor’s physical and psychological well-being. Also, it helps to regulate blood flow, balances the level of iron in the body, and also decreases the risk of cardiovascular problems. If you are planning to donate blood then you need to follow a few tips before blood donation. Here we look at a few tips to follow before you give blood.

* Always choose the right licensed blood bank to donate blood and donate blood only where doctors are available.

* Before donation of blood, ensure that you eat something and hydrate yourself, as it helps you to avoid some weakness.

* Avoid drinking alcohol right before blood donation and also don’t smoke for at least two hours before blood donation.

* Before blood donation, you need to ensure that the paramedical staff is using a set of disposable needles for every single donor.

* Carry identification card and also let the doctor know about medication you are taking.

Those were a few tips to follow before you give blood.