Fennel seeds are those which we have the habit of eating after our meals. They are widely known as saunf. Funnel seeds have a different spice, but their shape and size resemble jeera or cumin.

Funnel seeds are very healthy for the human body. Let’s know some of its benefits.

1) Helps Regulate Pressure

Chewing fennel seeds can boost the nitrite content in your saliva, it is a natural way to keep a check on blood pressure levels.

Potassium is an essential component of cells and body fluids, fennel seeds have a rich source of potassium also. It helps to control our blood pressure and heart rates.

2) Reduces Water Retention

Fennel seeds help to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections and remove toxins from the body.

3) Great to fight ance problem

Intake of fennel seeds can provide our body with some valuable minerals like calcium, zinc and selenium, which have a great role to balance hormones.

People like to chew fennel seed after their meal.

Funnel tea is the best thing we can do to add in our daily lifestyle. It will so help to balance our digestion. Consuming fennel tea in the morning will help to fight with all the body disease.