For your general wellbeing exercise and yogasana assumes a significant part. Yogasana is useful for your different medical problems. Yoga is an antiquated type of activity. It has been demonstrated that yoga helps you with hair growth, gain weight, lose weight, heart health and various other problems. Here we look at 5 yoga asanas from Vajrasana to Mala Sana, you should know.


This is a viable yogasana for some, medical problems just as for weight gain, as this asana helps blood flow, hunger and processing. Sit on the floor with collapsed legs, spine straight and eyes shut. By keeping your palm on your knees and breathing in and breathing out tenderly. Attempt to be in this situation for additional time.


This is an effective exercise for improving digestion and rectifies digestive problems. Lie on your back and stretch your feet. Slowly fold your knees and clasp them with your hand. Inhale and while exhaling pull your knees close to your chest.


Lie in the inclined position, breathe out and keep in mind that breathing in lifts your legs opposite to the ground. Lift your midriff by keeping your hands on your abdomen. Stand firm on this footing for about a moment and return to the start position while exhaling. This yogasana regulates thyroid function and metabolism.


Lie on the stomach, legs together, heels near each other. Keep palms underneath your shoulder. Breathe in and lift your head to look upwards, hold, breathe out and return to the beginning position.


* Start with tadasana by keeping your feet on the edges of a yoga mat.

* Inhale and come to a chair pose.

* Lower your buttocks towards your heels and allow your pelvis to spill and direct your tailbone towards ground level.

* Inhale in this position and Open up the chest, for a few seconds and exhale.

Those were five effective Yogasanas you must know.