It’s a big debatable topic whether to consume water after meal immediately or after some time. Water is extremely essential for your body, it is not advisable to consume it after a meal immediately. Nutritionists across the world dismiss this idea and suggested that you should drink water after a break after a meal. Here we try to know whether it is good to drink water immediately after meals or not.

A lot of people having the habit of having more water while eating and immediately after a meal, hoping that this aids the digestive process. Various studies show that this practice may hamper digestion by diluting essential gastric juices and causes an upsurge in insulin levels. Most people having the habit of having water along with a meal or Immediately after a meal. Also few consume water just before meals. As per Doctors, it takes two hours to digest the food that you eat. If you consume water just before a meal, the fluid component will disturb and digestion will speed up. Hence it is not advisable to water just before meals. If you take water in between your meal or Immediately, it not only speeds up digestion but also tampers the natural absorption of nutrients after digestion. That is why it is not good to drink water immediately after meals as well as just before meals.

Consuming water immediately after meals will dilute gastric juices and enzymes that are essential for digestion. The hindered digestive process also leaves behind a lot of undigested food, which contains glucose that is converted to fat and is stored in the body. This process leads to an upsurge in insulin, which further causes diabetes and obesity. Due to these various reasons, it is advisable not to drink water immediately after meals. You should drink water 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after your meal.