Everyone’s main priority should be to take care of their hearts. Your heart is a strong, vital organ that enables you to perform at your peak. Therefore, shouldn’t you handle it gently and lovingly?

The elderly (and young) ticker should be at the forefront of all our minds as coronary heart disease is the number one killer of Americans. You can make tiny changes to enhance your heart health even if you believe yourself to be youthful and healthy.

Know the symptoms of a heart attack or stroke:

Stroke and heart attack are serious, sometimes fatal emergencies. It’s crucial to become aware of the symptoms and, if necessary, take immediate action. Increased awareness of how women may present with distinct heart attack symptoms than males has been a recent focus. The most typical heart attack symptom in women is a form of chest pain, pressure, or discomfort, much like in men. Women are more prone than men to develop some symptoms, such as nausea or vomiting, back or jaw discomfort, and shortness of breath. In comparison to conventional blood testing, there are now assays that may help more precisely diagnose heart attacks in women.

Quit Smoking for Good

You could already be considering giving up tobacco. But did you know that a smoker who stops can eventually lower their risk of developing heart disease to that of a nonsmoker? In reality, quitting smoking has some immediate health benefits. Your heart rate and blood pressure will decrease in 20 minutes, and your blood’s carbon monoxide level will return to normal in 12 hours. Consult the World Health Organization’s advice to quit smoking if you smoke and are considering it.

Laugh more often throughout the day

Research says 300 people’s questionnaire replies were analyzed by researchers. While the other half of the participants were heart-healthy persons in the same age range who did not have heart disease, half of the responders had either experienced a heart attack or underwent coronary artery bypass surgery. According to the study, those who have heart disease are less likely to understand or use humor when confronted with stressful situations. Even in happy circumstances, they typically laughed less and showed more resentment and wrath. The purpose? Your heart can benefit from chuckles.

Source – bannerhealth.com