One of the best food everyone consumes daily, especially non-vegetarian, is an egg. It’s a superfood we can say. It contains high nutritional value. We can say one full egg a day will provide you with daily requirements of nutrients. Eggs are among the most nutritious food on the planet. It is a complete source of protein, rich in Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and several other antioxidants. All these nutrients in the egg help keep us healthy and prevent chronic diseases. It’s always been asked how many eggs you must consume in a day. It is advisable not to consume too many eggs in a day is not good for health due to the high cholesterol content in the yolk. Besides, it can create a problem for your digestive system. Let’s have a look at how many eggs you can have daily.

Due to the presence of cholesterol in egg yolk, high consumption of eggs may increase bad cholesterol levels in your body. One egg yolk contains 200 mg of cholesterol. But recent studies show that dietary cholesterol had little effect on the levels of bad and total cholesterol in the body. Dietary saturated fat is bad for our health. There can’t be a specific answer about how many eggs you should consume as it differs from person to person and their overall health. An average person can consume one egg a day and if a person is very healthy and there are no side effects, you can consume up to three eggs in a day. Anyhow every food irrespective of its nutritional value should be consumed moderately. Eggs also if consumed in more quantity it can lead to stomach problems and diarrhoea.

The overall average person can have an egg per day and an extremely healthy and hardworking person can consume up to three eggs a day.