Reasons That Motivates You To Exercise

Fitness is a lifelong pursuit. Use these helpful hints to keep yourself motivated

Have you ever begun and then stopped a fitness program? If that’s so then you are not alone. Many people begin fitness regimens, but abandon them because they are bored, do not enjoy them, or the results are slow. Here are seven suggestions to keep you motivated.

Set goals

Start with minor goals and work your way up to longer-term goals. Keep in mind that you should develop goals that are both practical and reachable. It’s easy to feel angry and quit if your goals are too lofty.

If you haven’t exercised in a while, for example, a short-term aim might be to walk 10 minutes five days a week. Even brief bouts of exercise can be helpful. Walking 30 minutes five days a week could be an intermediate aim. A long-term objective could be to walk a 5K distance.

The Department of Health and Human Services advises at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of strenuous aerobic activity each week for most healthy adults or a combination of both. Exercise at a higher intensity will bring even more benefits. At least twice a week, add strength training workouts for all major muscle groups into your fitness program.

Make it fun

Find activities or pastimes you enjoy, and then switch up your routine to keep things interesting. If you’re bored with your normal workouts, try something new. Participate in a volleyball or softball league. Consider signing up for a ballroom dance class. Examine a fitness centre or a martial arts school. You may discover recordings of many other sorts of exercise courses online, like yoga, high-intensity interval training, and kickboxing, if you want to work out at home. Alternatively, take a walk or jog through a neighboring park. Find out whether you have any hidden athletic skills or interests.

Remember that exercise doesn’t have to be dull, and if you’re having fun with it, you’ll be more likely to persist with it.

Make physical activity part of your daily routine

Don’t create excuses if it’s difficult to find time to exercise. Workouts, like any other important activity, should be scheduled.

Physical activity can be included in your regular schedule. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, or park further away from the store. Walk up and down the sidelines while watching the kids play sports. Take a walk during your work break.

If you work from home, take breaks to stretch, stroll, or climb the stairs. Squats, lunges, and situps are other good options. If you have a dog, go for a walk. During your lunch break or while watching TV at night, ride a stationary bike, walk or jog on a treadmill, or do weight training exercises.

Even if you obtain the necessary amount of weekly movement, research has indicated that sitting for long periods of time can be dangerous to your health. If you sit for several hours at work, try to get up and move around frequently throughout the day, such as going to grab a drink of water or standing during phone calls or video meetings.

Put it on paper

Are you attempting to shed pounds? Want to feel more energized? Do you want to sleep better? How do you manage a chronic illness? Make a list of your objectives. Seeing the advantages of regular exercise and putting down your goals might help you stay motivated.

You might also find that keeping an exercise journal is beneficial. Keep track of what you performed throughout each workout, how long you worked out, and how you felt afterward. Keeping track of your efforts and progress might help you stay on track and remind you that you’re making progress.

Join forces with friends, neighbors, or others

You’re not on your own. Invite friends or coworkers to join you on your workouts or walks. Exercising with your partner or other loved ones is a wonderful way to spend time together. Organize a group of neighbors to go to a local health club for exercise classes or to work out together virtually on video.

Give yourself a treat.

Spend a few minutes after each workout appreciating the pleasant feelings that exercise brings. This type of self-motivation can assist you in maintaining a long-term training habit.

External incentives can be useful as well. When you achieve a longer-term goal, reward yourself with a new pair of walking shoes or some new music to listen to while exercising.

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About The Author
Audrey Menezes: She is exploring her career as an entertainment writer, having previously written on celebrities, fashion, and entertainment.