All of us need to be active and practice regular workouts, as it gives you better overall strength and it’s good for our body, soul and mind. To prioritise a fitness regime is very difficult and if you wish to resume your fitness regime you need to follow a few tips and advice. Here we look at 10 tips and advice.

1) Always keep ready alternative workout plans and also keep backup of clothes and a pair of shoes ready.

2) Follow the first 3*10 rule, which is 10 minutes walk thrice a week. Also swap walk with some mini workouts, like crunches, squats, push-ups etc.

3) Schedule your fitness regime in your calendar and decide your target, like what type of exercise you would like to start and how much you are expected to spend.

4) You can do your exercise along with your favourite TV shows. This habit you make will help you for better results.

5) Set the target and even find an event that is a month away, commit by signing up and then get to work.

6) Set up different challenges like the squat challenge, plank challenge, daily exercise challenge etc. Since there are many, find multiple challenges to join and complete.

7) Try wearing workout clothes and sleep in your clothes or try wearing them to bed. This trick does work.

8) Put your alarm away from your body. This forces you to get up and start immediately.

9) Sacrifice coffee dates and outings with friends. Rather make a group of people for exercise. This will help you to increase the amount of exercise you do.

10) Most importantly, create a space in your house or apartment for exercise. Before resuming your fitness regime, you need to create a good sacred space for yoga and a proper place for exercise.

Those were ten tips and advice for fitness if you are resuming your fitness regime.