Winter can unleash ruin on your skin — making it dry, bothersome, and irritated. Furthermore, it can feel like there’s no way out: Cold, tempestuous conditions outside can leave your skin feeling crude, while indoor hotness destroys dampness from the air and your skin.

And however scrubbing down may seem to be a proper method for heating up, boiling water dries out your skin by stripping it of its regular oils.

Yet, there are numerous basic ways of combating the reasons for dry winter skin and assisting with keeping your skin feeling clammy and flexible the entire season, including some simple changes to your regular everyday practice.

The Risk Factor
Most clearly, by not shaving under your arms you’ll dispose of the dermatological issues that can come about because of doing as such: ingrown hair, razor consumption, rashes, and bothering. Moreover, those minuscule scratches and slices from shaving can prompt diseases like MRSA, assuming that they come into contact with it, the potential for which is moderated by not shaving in the first place.

Facilitating Friction
Not shaving diminishes skin-on-skin contact rubbing, which implies when you do exercises that include arm development, such as running or strolling, your skin is substantially less liable to get aggravated by the grinding. This may prompt fewer skin issues like rashes and ingrown hair.