Stay Flexible! Check Out 5 Yoga Asanas That Might Be Effective In Reducing The Risk Of Stroke

Hey!! Look At, 5 Yoga Asanas For Reducing The Risk Of Stroke.

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise and you can do various types of yoga asanas for different health-related issues. Yoga will help you in various ways and here we look at five yoga asanas that will help you in lowering the risk of stroke as well as it will help in the rehabilitation of older stroke survivors with their daily activities.


* Stretch your leg forward, knees slightly bent, extend your arm up and keep your spine erect.

* Exhale and curve forward at the hip and spot your chest area on your lower body.

* Lower arms and grasp your enormous toes with your fingers.

* Try to contact your knees with your nose and hold for 10 seconds and repeat.


* Stand, exhale and bend your upper body from the hips and touch your nose to your knees.

* Place palms on either side of feet and hold this asana for a while.


* Lie down on your stomach, bend your knees and hold your ankles with palms with a strong grip.

* Lift legs and arms as much as possible and hold this position for a few seconds.


* Lie down flat on your stomach and place palms under your shoulders.

* By keeping your toes on the ground, join your feet together.

* Take a deep breath and lift your head, shoulders, and torso.

* Broaden your shoulders with your head slightly raised upwards.


These are the best and yoga asanas, which will help you to reduce the risk of stroke.

* Stand tall, heels together and big toes touching.

* Draw in abdominal, relax your shoulder and breathe while actively engaging your leg muscles.

All those five yoga asanas will help you in reducing the risk of stroke.

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About The Author
Simran Dbritto: Maintaining a positive attitude and strong work ethic is her motto in life. Creative, resourceful and always ready to take up challenges. An architecture student, who loves to write! Other interests- Traveling, Exploring, Art, Dance.