When you’re sick, what does this do to you for your skin?

Once you are sick your face also has the list of the sickness and it makes it so unusual for you to get out of your room or even look at yourself or let anyone look at you!

While your skin may be the last thing on your mind when you are suffering from body aches and you feel exhausted and sick of yourself and irritated in mind. But it’s still important to care of your skin when you’re sick. Your skin gets extremely dry, your eyes look puffy and dull, and it becomes difficult to look at yourself.

Stay Hydrated

Try to stay hydrated, drink a lot of water. This will surely be helpful for your health as well as your skin. Try to drink hot water if you are down with cold and flu. Try to detox your body and to eat healthy as well, all this will reflect on your skin.

Protect Your Skin

Try to protect your skin from the illness bacteria or the ones that are on your hands. Try to use hand creams and hand sanitizer for lesser transmission of germs from your hands to your face skin.

Avoid acne breakouts

Try to avoid acne breakouts as much as possible, since it will make you look sicker, and keep it simple and pure of the skincare routine.

Keep showers short

Taking a hot shower can be soothing during sick times but you should try to keep your showers short to make sure your skin doesn’t get too warm. Use lukewarm or warm water for your baths.

Avoid heavy products

Try to avoid heavy and many products, keep it simple with just a moisturizer or just a cream to protect it from damage. Avoid heavy irritational products.