Everyone is trying their level best to be fit and healthy. Exercise, yoga, and various types of stretching play an important role in keeping your body weight under control. The main aim of hitting the gym and doing exercise is to reduce weight, but there are a few things you can do in the gym to gain weight. Here we look at six important tips in the gym for healthily gaining weight.


This is the easiest thing to do in the gym. This exercise will help you to gain muscle in your arms and shoulder. Just lie face down on the ground. Put your hands on the ground, palms flat and shoulders width apart. Slowly push your body up, hold and come back to normal position. This is a good and easy exercise for gaining weight.


The second important tip to increase weight is to do pull-ups. Like push-ups, this one also helps in gaining weight, as it helps build arms and shoulders. Use a pull-ups bar, grip with both hands and simply pull your body up, hold it and bring down your body to a normal position.


This is also a simple form of exercise, which will help you in gaining weight. Stand up straight and feet are hip-width apart. Slowly do squats as much as possible.


Lunges are also the best option for gaining weight. In this, you have to take one step, lean forward like you are kneeling. Push back on your heel to lift yourself back to the initial position and repeat it for both legs.


This is a useful exercise for bulking up and those who wish to gain weight should do this in the gym. This is one of the important things to do in the gym to gain weight, as it builds shoulder, tricep, and chest muscles.


This is also an important tip in the gym for gaining weight. This exercise helps bulk up muscles of almost most parts of the body.

Those were a few important tips in the gym to gain weight.