Strength training, regardless of age or athletic skill, is the key to better flexibility, mobility, performance, and injury prevention. Strength training is something that everybody, regardless of fitness level, can and should do. And you don’t need to spend hours at the gym to see results. You may master the fundamentals of strength training in the privacy of your own home. A full-body strength-building workout will take only nine minutes of effort. Grab a towel and prepare to feel powerful.

The exercises listed here are strength training exercises that you may have seen previously. They engage a specific group of muscles when performed alone, but when performed at one-minute intervals, these exercises become a full-body workout. Finally, you’ll have finished the entire program, having performed nine minutes of training with two minutes of rest in between. For best results, repeat this workout two to three times each week. Are you willing to give it a shot? Let’s get started. Lace up your footwear.

Set 1 consists of bodyweight squats, push-ups, and mountain climbers. Perform each of the movements in this set for one minute, without resting in between.

Set 2 consists of a plank, a bodyweight split squat, and a single-leg hip raise. After the first set of exercises, take a one-minute pause. Set two is now ready for you.

Set 3 consists of a burpee with a push-up, single-leg toe touches, and leg raises. There is good news! You’re almost finished. After the second set, take a one-minute pause. Then begin the third set, completing each exercise for one minute.

Do you want a full-body workout that includes cardio? For a comprehensive workout, combine aerobic activity with strength training.