As soon as you begin to feel relaxed and at ease in your relationship, your woman does something that, whether on purpose or accidentally, makes you envious and crazy in love. If you try to delve further, you’ll discover many explanations, ranging from wanting you to chase them to simply wanting to rekindle the romance. Here are 5 ways through which the female partner tries to grasp their partner’s attention-

Using social networking sites to have fun- Any lover could get envious if their girl posts gorgeous photos on social networking platforms that get attention from other men. She can be acting in this way simply to gauge her attractiveness, and she wants you to be aware of it. It’s a cue for you to go above and beyond and treat her like she deserves to feel extra special. Like and comment on her images while tagging her in your posts. She will feel even more special as a result, and you two will become closer.

Enjoying with a guy best friend- The majority of guys don’t enjoy it when their girlfriend has a male best friend. They experience a sense of insecurity and constant dread because they worry that she might choose him as her soul mate and leave them both hanging. The best way to get out of this is to try to be best friends with her male friend and participate in all of their shared interests. And if he’s single, arrange a date for him so you can all go out again as a foursome.

Open expression of feelings- It’s just her way of tormenting you when she laughs a lot with her male friends when you’re with them, joins in on their jokes, and is generally familiar with them. Do not assume your girl has romantic feelings for a guy just because she is warmly hugging his friend or posing for a group selfie. She can appear to be making out with other men, but it could just be that she is particularly outgoing and expressive with her emotions.

Spending more time with other friends- Your girl could occasionally seem unavailable to you, but this could simply be because she needs some distance. You can feel that she is ignoring your calls at these times while pretending to be busy. She can appear not to be missing you at all while you seem to be missing her. She may appear to be living life to the fullest, enjoying herself with her girlfriends, having a good time with coworkers, and leaving you wondering what went wrong. She might be trying to catch your attention so you’ll think it’s a struggle to go after her as she plays hard to get.

Mentioning her ex more often- Most girls like to brag about their ex-boyfriends and the fun moments they had during the relationship. The wisest course of action is to ignore it. But if the occasional allusion turns into a constant discussion, insist and tell her what specifically she is missing. You don’t have to express your rage, but you should be tough and assertive because these mentions could damage your connection with her. But keep in mind, try not to make this a habit.