Do you have an office crush or romantic feelings for a coworker? If you’re in a committed relationship, this can be a major issue. Relationships are difficult enough, but they may become considerably more difficult when outside temptations enter the picture. Even if you adore your partner, you may be reconsidering your relationship because of someone new. To stay faithful, attempt to avoid this temptation, moderate your urges, and concentrate on strengthening your relationship.

Avoid situations or locations where you are prone to flirting. If you know you don’t make the best decisions after a few drinks, avoid going to pubs without your spouse or encourage them to accompany you. Avoid places where you’ve been lured in the past, such as clubs. Avoid being alone with someone with whom you have had romantic or relations in the past. If you’re flirting with a coworker, don’t go to lunch with them alone. Spending time with them outside of work situations is never a good idea. “Actually, I have too much work to do, I’m sorry,” you can say if they offer you lunch.

You might also see if any of your coworkers are interested in joining you. If you need to meet them alone, leave the door open and meet in a public place. Maintain a professional tone in your conversations. If you’re in a tight place, discreetly bring up your partner in conversation. This will serve as a steady reminder to you and others that you are unavailable. You don’t have to be overt about your relationship, but you should keep them informed. For example, if they mention a show they enjoy, you can respond by saying, “That show is also a favorite of mine and my boyfriend! It does not appeal to me in the least.”

While you’re dealing with these desires, spend less time with your single friends. Your single pals’ single lifestyle may persuade you to do something you’ll come to regret. Instead, spend more time with your married buddies. Don’t fully cut ties with these people. Simply avoid going out to bars with them; instead, plan activities such as lunches and movies.

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