Now that valentine’s day is around the corner, you probably are already thinking of some gifting ideas for your bae. And let us be honest here, thinking of budget-friendly gifting options can be a really tough thing to do.

If you are someone who is looking for gifts but under a budget, you have opened the right tab. Hope you find these ideas useful.

A potted plant
Gifting a plant to your bae not just makes them happy and thinks of you every time they look at it or waters it; it is also great for the environment. So you are not wasting a lot of money on a bouquet of flowers but instead giving them a plant of their favorite flowers or fruit that they can keep with themselves forever.

Cook for them
Instead of spending money at some restaurant for overpriced food, you can choose to cook for them their favorite meal. You don’t necessarily have to have a 3-course meal but instead, try your level best to cook something they like. Your partner would definitely appreciate it more for the efforts you put in.

Something meaningful
If you definitely want to give them something, let it be something that they have been wanting for a really long time. It need not be a luxury item it could just be something that they needed for their daily whereabouts. It will prompt them of you every time they use it or even appreciate the fact that you pay attention to details.