Here’s sharing types of relationships having a diverse impact on your life

Relationships play a vital role in your life. These relationships can vary from close and intimate to long-distance and difficult. Irrespective of the relation, different bondings help make up for different works, which play a major role in physical and mental health.

And on the basis of behavior, there are types of relationships.

1) Platonic Relationship: This type of friendship involves closeness and intimacy but does not involve a sexual relationship. These are categorized as fondness, closeness, respect, support, honesty, and others.

2) Romantic Relationship: Romantic relationships are characterized by a strong feeling of love for another person. It varies from fondness, intimacy, infatuation, commitment, and others. As experts say, this kind of relationship involves passion and intimacy, which leads to love.

3)Codependent relationship: This type of relationship is an imbalanced relationship in which one person is dependent on another for emotional, physical, and mental stability.

4) Casual Relationship: This type of relationship involves casual dating, which may or may not involve sex. While the term of such a relationship sometimes lasts forever, it sometimes ends up on a bitter note.

5)Open Relationship: Such relationships are open and free, where one or more partners are involved in sexual activities to have fun and pleasure. These relationships don’t stand anywhere; it’s just that time.

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