At the start, relationships give butterflies in the tummy. But as the relationship ages, partners feel that the other is unimportant, or that the relationship itself is not as important, and is often cast aside owing to many generalized reasons like kids or work or some other issues. These situations might lead to disputes.

Keeping the spark alive can be a challenging; especially if you have been with your partner for a while now. Sometimes you end up throwing your relationship in the backseat and no longer interested in making up to it!

So here are 3 ways to keep the fire in your relationship from burning out!

Sexual Intimacy

Even if you get tired at the end of the day and don’t want to do anything, getting cozy with your loved one is one such thing you must indulge in. Being intimate may be the last thing on your mind when you enter the home but you must try to take some time for being intimate with your partner asking them about how they went about their day before getting cozy. Being sexually active can also help relieve stress and bond better with your partner. You can decide and discuss things when you share that intimacy and that will help you retain the spark in your relationship.

Send Extra Love During the Day

A little love goes a long way too many other aspects. An extra kiss emoji in the texts, extra care or even a phone call can really help build on the relationship. This might make them smile and think about you during the course of the busy day. Just letting your significant other know you love them and that you are there for them, can make a huge difference.

Kiss and Hug Often

Just kissing or hugging more can make one feel so loved and protected. look for opportunities to kiss your loved one and tell them about the good things they do for you. Even a simple touch can be of great help and make your spouse feel loved and supported.