Once your heart is broken, your entire life seems shattered. Your entire life seems difficult and dizzy. You try to accept the fact that it has happened and you have to live with it. You try to find a distraction from the sorrow and try to find happiness.

Here are 4 tips you can follow to manage your broken heart and try to get back all by yourself!!

Give yourself time

Give yourself time to soak the reality, the worst has happened but you have to keep up with yourself and not get disheartened. Give yourself time to accept it and then once and for all getting over it! It is literally as if the exciting butterflies are dead and you are stabbed over! Cry if you wish like, talk to your friends, watch new series and TV shows, try out some new activities.

Stop blaming yourself.

Firstly, it’s not your fault. Secondly, no relationship is perfect, so there’s no use dwelling over the things you could have or should have done to save the relationship. If you fought until the very end, then be proud of yourself.

Distance yourself from the things that remind you of them

It’s good best to cut entire contact with them after the breakup. They are the source of hurt and you need to stay away from them as much as possible. Avoid texting, calling, or even stalking them online. It’s best to stay away from it as if they

Try looking at the brighter side of things.

Try to look at the bright side, think of it as a good thing. You are away from the wrong toxic person you were with!

Focus on yourself

What’s done is done, and even if you tried, you cannot for god’s sake change any part of it, so stay focused on yourself and try to change yourself and try to be your better self.