A first date is probably the most thought-provoking of all the dates you go on. You want to get to know the individual in a relaxed, casual setting, but you don’t want to repeat the first date routine. Instead of dinner and a movie, think outside the box. We’ve got you covered when it comes to making your first date a success!

1] Choose a convenient place.

Consult with your date to locate a location that is convenient for both of you. Choose a place that is suitable for your date to show them that you are thinking of them. This shows that you’re thinking, and you’ve made the date even nicer by keeping things simple.

2] Make arrangements for a low-key afternoon date.

A midday date can be less daunting if you don’t know each other. Plan on getting together in the afternoon for an hour or two. This offers you some time to consider whether you’d like to see them for a longer date or if the relationship isn’t working out.

3] Plan something simple and brief.

This is where a drink from a bar or coffee shop comes in handy! That way, if the two of you don’t get along, you won’t be stuck with each other for hours. When you go to a movie or a concert, you’re essentially trapped in that activity until it’s over. If one of you isn’t feeling it, that might be awkward.

Special tips:
● Are you looking for a way out? No problem—thank them for meeting you for drinks, and tell them you need to get an assignment done or meet up with friends.

● Consider this the start of your date if you’re having a good time, you can change venues or activities.

4] Choose an activity that allows you to talk.

Avoid going to a really loud, busy pub or club. You don’t want to go to all the work of preparing a date just to find out that you can’t understand a single word the other person is saying! Instead of going to a crowded indoor location, go somewhere quieter where you can concentrate on speaking and getting to know each other. Go for a walk through a stunning neighborhood.

5] Make a budget-friendly plan.

Choosing an expensive location puts you under unnecessary stress. A first date shouldn’t cost a fortune, so stay away from pricey establishments, especially if you plan to visit more than one. Consider relaxing locations or low-key activities that will put your date at ease.

Do not do this on your first date

DON’T question their height or body shame in any way.

DON’T turn your dates into therapy sessions.

DON’T psychoanalyze your date.

DON’T get too personal.

DON’T order expensive meals if you’re not the one paying.

DON’T let them take you to a second location if you don’t like them.