Every love affair has its highs and lows and calls for work, commitment, and a willingness to evolve alongside your partner. No matter how long you’ve been dating or how recently you started a relationship, there are steps you can do to create a strong bond. Even if you’ve had a history of unhappy relationships or have previously failed to reignite the passion in your current relationship, there are ways to stay connected, discover satisfaction, and feel lasting happiness.

What makes a healthy relationship?

You still share a strong emotional bond with one another. You each make the other feel loved and emotionally satisfied. Being loved and feeling loved are two different things. When you are loved, you feel respected and accepted by your partner, as if they actually understand you. Some relationships lose touch emotionally with one another while still managing to coexist peacefully. Although the connection between the two people may seem strong on the surface, the lack of ongoing involvement and emotional bonds only widens the gap.

You engage in direct and truthful communication. Any relationship benefits greatly from effective communication. The trust between you may grow, and your relationship can be strengthened when both of you are clear about what you want from the relationship and are at ease expressing your needs, worries, and desires.

You’re not scared to disagree. While some couples prefer to discuss issues privately, others may strongly argue. However, the secret to a good relationship is not to be afraid of conflict. You must be able to handle disputes without resorting to demeaning methods or emphasis on being right in order to feel secure enough to voice your concerns without fear of punishment.