A bad breakup, especially one that occurs unexpectedly, can result in a slew of emotions that disrupt your daily routine. Though it may be tricky to close yourself off from the rest of the world and wallow in bed, life will go on around you, so it’s critical to keep moving forward. Here are ten suggestions for overcoming a breakup.

Cut contact

The first step in getting over a split is to stop communicating with your ex. It will be difficult at first to go no-contact, but it is the only option to begin a new life without your ex.

Any conversation with your ex, no matter how insignificant, can resurrect old memories that will obstruct your rehabilitation from the breakup. If you truly need to communicate with your ex, have a friend or family member deliver your message instead.

Eliminate reminders

Anything that keeps reminding you of your ex should be removed, discarded, or concealed until you are ready to see them again. Gifts they purchased you, goods you bought jointly, pictures, and love notes are all examples of this. It’s also a good idea to remove your ex from social media so that you don’t notice any reminders while scrolling through your feeds. Then, make a point of going through your phone and deleting any images you may have.

Keep yourself busy

Fill your time with good activities like visiting friends or helping, rather than letting your mind stray to thoughts of your failed relationship. Distractions will improve your spirits and demonstrate that life can go on without your ex. You can also use your newfound free time to attempt a new interest, such as painting or rock climbing, that is outside of your comfort zone. Joining a group or taking a class is a good method to keep oneself occupied while learning a new skill.

Let it out

The end of a relationship elicits a powerful emotional response that cannot be ignored. Keeping your emotions bottled up simply adds to your agony and frustration, delaying your healing. Instead, talk to a trusted group of friends about your breakup, or write about it if speaking it out loud is too painful. Remember that while talking about your feelings is helpful, it’s also vital not to let them fester for too long. Allow yourself a few vent sessions before deciding to start moving forward consciously.

Avoid rebounds

After a breakup, you’ll be miserable, but don’t let your dread of alone push you into another relationship. A rebound relationship that starts before you’ve fully recovered from your previous one is doomed to fail, creating unneeded agony for both you and your rebound lover.

Learning about yourself is a vital aspect of getting over a breakup. You will rob yourself of the opportunity to explore who you are outside of a relationship if you immediately attach yourself to a new spouse.