If you look at human beings and their behavior, you will find plenty of facts that will amaze you. Basically, human behavior is the potential and expressed capacity, mentally, physically, and socially, of human individuals or groups to respond to internal and external factors. Human behavior is shaped by psychological traits.

Some behavior of human beings are common whereas some are unusual, some behavior is acceptable whereas some are beyond the acceptable limit. Humans and their behavior are studied from various angles.

There are various types of facts about human and human behavior which will amaze you and here we look at seven such facts.

* There’s truly a mystery about the human body. Different organs, the way we think, the way we behave, and most importantly all those things vary from person to person.

* The most surprising organ of a human being in the brain. It is very complex and no one understood the true power of the brain. Average human being using ten percent of his brain capacity.

* Nose remembers and distinguishes 50,000 different types of smell. Amazing!!

* Your eyes reflect your emotions and help people understand your thoughts.

* Human behavior is also interesting and from time to time it changes.

* A child feels secure with adults, as they feel adults got any situation under control.

* Girls get attracted towards the guy who takes social and moral responsibilities.

* Girl may get attracted to a hard-working guy, not a struggling guy.

* Most of those who say they love traveling, are mostly lonely inside.

* People believe in scientific practice, which is threatening our existence, but they forget thousands of years old traditional practice, which leads to survival of the human race.

Those were a few facts about humans and human behavior that will amaze you.