Books are excellent presents for these difficult stretches. Both in what they offer—shrewdness, quiet—and what they order—persistence, consideration. If your friend loves reading you should definitely give them books. Here is a list of books you can gift to your bookworm friends:


Ikigai, is a Japanese expression meaning having a reason throughout everyday life, or discovering what makes life beneficial. Ikigai, the book by Japanese writer Hector Garcia is a magnificently short and straightforward true-to-life read that will help you discover a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction in your life and work. It offers some priceless exercises the creator mastered contemplating centenarians and their ordinary propensities.

The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down:

This all-around coordinated manual to care is composed by Haemin Sunim, a Buddhist priest who was brought into the world in Korea yet instructed in the United States. In it, he offers counsel on everything from taking care of disappointments/hindrances to managing unwinding and connections, through this significant book combining his lessons with serene and calming full-shading representations.

Great Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love Is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness by Vex King

In this book, Instagram master Vex King responds to these inquiries and then some. Vex vanquished affliction from his growing-up years, to arise a wellspring of expectation and motivation for the young, and presently pulls from his own insight and his instinctive astuteness to rouse you to be better and more joyful.

Becoming – Michelle Obama

This is a self-evident, yet consistently phenomenal, suggestion. The top of the line book of 2018 is a solid evergreen choice for anyone on your giving rundown. Michelle Obama shares her biography in personal detail and offers blending narrating.