Due to the coronavirus pandemic situation, everything has changed and even online learning became mandatory. At this point, this distance learning scenario is not entirely new. More and information are coming in and parents, teachers, caregiver, and school leaders are all now better prepared to support the kids. All, including teachers and parents, are taking much care of their kid’s learning. Here we look at Tips and tricks to make online learning fun for kids.

* Make a special corner of the room dedicated to learning and keep some fun activity in that area and arrange space like school.

* Break is very important for kids and they enjoy the break. It is most important for kids with learning and attention issues.

* Tell them how to share their learning device.

* Try to bring them on the learning track and try to get closer to them and do some fun activities.

* Talk to them about body and brain connection. This will help them understand how to manage their emotions.

* Keep other devices away from kids.

* When concluding how to structure the day, get some information about what they like. Attempt to consolidate their decisions into the arrangement.

* For all hard subjects sit with them and encourage them in a playful mood.

* Communication is the key and always communicate with teachers. And model communication about your day.

* Display all work done by kids, reward them for small achievement, and remain in a playful mood with them. This will help them to achieve confidence and online learning will become fun activities for kids.